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Instructions for authors 


General issues for publishing

The Revista Derecho Social y Empresa publishes original and unpublished articles.
Articles shall be the result of an original research and will have new conclusions supported by properly posed and justified methodology. Only unpublished assignments that are not in review for other journals will be admitted. Assignments with the following structure will be specially evaluated: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions (IMRC Method).Only PC Word, RTF or Wordperfect formats will be accepted through the Journal’s webpage ( To ease the anonymity in the external report, there shall have included:


  • A copy where the references to the author of the article must be omitted (from beginning to end, as well as any reference in the citations in the article).

  • Another copy with all those references.

  • In another file, author’s data, University’s address, e–mail and a short cv in 5 lines must be included.


Edition rules and Publication Instructions

Instructions for authors are established in accordance with the AENOR UNE Standard 50–133–94 (equivalent to ISO 215: 1986) on the Presentation of articles in periodical and serial publications and the AENOR UNE Standard 50–104–94 (equivalent to ISO 690: 1987) on bibliographic references.

The maximum length of the articles, written in Times New Roman 12, will be from 20 to 25 pages at a space of 1.5 approx.
Everything in the following must be included in Spanish and English:

  • A title/título.

  • An abstract/resumen of 10 lines with a maximum of 125 words.

  • A key words/palabras clave (maximum five).


Originals should be submitted in Spanish, English, or in any of the languages ​​of the countries belonging to the European Union.
The authors should indicate in black colour that phrase or phrases most relevant of each section of their work.

Revista Derecho Social y Empresa establishes the use of the following reference’s rules as a condition to accept the articles:

  • Books: OJEDA AVILÉS, A., Compendio de derecho sindical, Tecnos, 2ª ed., Madrid, 2011.

  • Articles included in collective works: SIERRA BENÍTEZ, M., “La integración del teletrabajo en la nueva regulación del trabajo a distancia”, en NÚÑEZ–CORTÉS CONTRERAS, P. (Dir.),. La reforma laboral 2012. Su impacto en la economía y el empleo, , Editorial Dykinson, Madrid, 2013, pp. 61–91.

  • Articles included in periodic publicactions: HOWELL, J. H., “Industrial Relations: A Field in Search of a Future? But Don’t Worry, Bruce Kaufman Has Done the Past”, Industrial & labor relations review, Vol. 59, núm. 3, 2006, pp. 501–505.

  • In order to avoid the repetition of references it is strongly recommended the use of the expression cit.. As for instance, (SÁNCHEZ–RODAS NAVARRO, C., “Sobre la extinción de las autorizaciones de residencia o autorizaciones de residencia y trabajo reguladas en el Título VII”, en Id., El Novísimo Reglamento de Extranjería, cit.).


The tables must be presented with a Microsoft Word (PC) compatible format. A specific document will be created for tables and figures. Each table and figure will be separated in different pages. The figures (images, diagrams, photos and graphs) must appear in an image format (JPG, TIFF or EPS). Figures (graphs, charts, maps, photos, etc.) must have a great resolution with at least 300ppp.
Images must not be only in the Word document; they must also be sent in any of the mentioned ways in another document.
Charts will be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals due to their order of appearance in the document. As well, figures will have the same numbering depending on the appearance in the document.
References to charts and images in the text will be: (Table 1), (Table 2), (Figure 1), (Figure 2). It will have to be clearly indicated where in the text the tables and images will be put.
Each table and figure must have a board or figure foot explaining them briefly. These board and figure foot must be added in orderly manners, in a new page at the end of the document. They must be written in Times New Roman 10 and simple line spacing.
Footnotes referred to sources and bibliography will be signed before any punctuation. They will be numbered correlatively and written in Arial, size 10, in simple line spacing. Veracity in citation sources and bibliographic references will be responsibility of the author or authors of the article.Bibliography must be presented at the end of the article, alphabetically arranged for authors’ names.

 Bibliographic reviewing rules

Reviews of publications from legal labor and from enterprise which have a publishing date of less than 3 years will be accepted. Editing rules will be the same as for the articles.Reviews will have 2 pages of extension with 1,5 spacing. The content in the review must comply the following steps:

  • A summary showing the content of the issue approached in the author’s book, marking the main contributions and the point of view used; it is also recommended references to the sources used in the investigation.

  • A contextualization of the article analyzed in a broader discussion, stablishing comparisons with other investigations approaching similar issues or with similar points of view.

  • A critical valuation of the article allowing to stablish contributions to the work reviewed but also its possible errors or new questions set out in the discussion it is included. No review will be published without a critical valuation present.


Reviews, once valuated and checked, will be sent back to the authors so they can add the suggested upgrades”.

Process of evaluation and reviewing in pairs


The reception of an original does not mean the acceptance for its publishing. Originals are firstly read by the Editorial Department Board to prove it complies the editing rules as well as a minimum scientific content and proper Journal’s editorial lines and objectives.
Originals will be subdued to anonymous external reports that can: a) Recommending your publication b) Not recommending your publication c) Proposing changes. These reports are the main decision making about publishing or not publishing the article, that is responsibility in last resort of the Journals’s Editorial Department Board (Editing Committee) and its management. The Revista Derecho Social y Empresa will not take on consideration publications handed to other Journals and the delivery of an original to Revista Derecho Social y Empresa means compromising the document will not be sent to any other Journal during the consideration of publishing it in Revista Derecho Social y Empresa. Originals will not be returned to their authors.
Authors receive a detailed and motivated notification where the content of the original reports appear, with specified indications for its modification if needed.

The report sent by the copy editors includes:

  • A global valuation of the article and its summaries.

  • A quantitative evaluation of the quality (high | medium | low) following these evaluating rates: originality and interest of the issue; defined structure; methodological exactitude and demonstrative articulating; Writing style; and significance and actuality of the bibliography.

  • Suggestions from the copy editor and exact modifications proposed by him/her.


Authors whose articles have had a positive judgement but with correcting suggestions will send it again to, with the corrections, in a due time of 15 days. In case of significative modifications, the article will be reviewed by external copy editors. If a non–acceptance was necessary, the decision would be communicated to the author with the reasons its non–acceptance is based on.

The Journal implicates to communicate to the authors the positive or negative resolution about publishing their originals in the deadline of two months from the receiving date.

Check list of consignment preparation

As a process of consignment, authors are required to indicate the consignment fulfils all of the following aspects, and to accept consignments not following them can be returned to the author.

  1. Consignment has not been published previously nor has been sent to another journal (or it has been explained in the comments to the editor).

  2. The file sent is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.

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