The ethical code of the Revista Derecho Social y Empresa is inspired in the principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications stablished by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The director, secretary and editorial team will act in consequence of this code of conduct. The Revista Derecho Social y Empresa will not spread articles already published and will report those situations suspicious of plagiarism or any inadequate attitude from the authors, all the articles will be subdued to antiplagiarism control.
They also commit to guarantee the evaluation process will be fair, guaranteeing the anonymity, neutrality and will keep to the designated due dates. The designation of the copy editors will be attended due to the criteria of integrity, quality and knowledge of the subject, object of the text submitted. Finally, it will guarantee the confidentiality at any moment from authors and copy editors.
Regarding the responsibilities of the authors, they must guarantee the originality of their articles and to be aware of the consequences of scientific bad practice. Therefore, their articles must indicate always their sources and provide detailed citations of all their publishing used for the elaboration of the article following the citation method determined by the Revista Derecho Social y Empresa. Finally, sending the article, they accept the revision procedure used by the journal (double–blind).Regarding the responsibility of the copy editors, they must keep confidentiality of the received articles, evaluating with the scientific criteria of reliability and accuracy, as well as reporting in case of plagiarism or bad practice.