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scientific comittee


Francisco Aleman Paez

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Cordoba


Immaculate Benavente Torres
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Cordoba 


Macarena Castro Conte 
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
King Juan Carlos University


Oscar Contreras Hernandez
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
Castilla-La Mancha university


Maria del Mar Crespi Ferriol
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of the Balearic Islands


Jesus Cruz Villalon

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Sevilla University


Jose Manuel del Valle Villar

Professor of Labor Law, University of Alcalá de Henares


Belen Fernandez Docampo

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Vigo


Antonio Fernandez Garcia
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
Open University of Catalonia


Silvia Fernandez Martinez

 Titular Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Vigo


Francisca Maria Ferrando Garcia
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Murcia


Juan Carlos Garcia Quinones
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Complutense University


Jose Luis Gil Gil
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Alcala de Henares University


Luis Gordo Gonzalez
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
Autonomous University of Madrid


Maria Sonsoles Gutierrez de la Peña
Labor and Social Security Inspector


Julen Llorens Espada
Professor Assistant Doctor
Public University of Navarre


Maria Teresa Igartua Miró
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Sevilla University


Laughter L. Lieberwitz
Professor of Labor Law
Cornell University, ILR School (USA)


Maria del Carmen López Aniorte
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Murcia


Rodrigo Martin Jimenez
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
King Juan Carlos University


Mirentxu Marin Malo
Professor Assistant Doctor
Public University of Navarre


Paz Menendez Sebastian
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Oviedo University


Jesus R. Mercader Uguina
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Carlos III University


Laura Melian Chinea
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of La Laguna


Rocío Molina González–Pumariega
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
King Juan Carlos University


Concepcion Esther Morales Vallez
Magistrate of the TSJ of Madrid


Julia Munoz Molina
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
University of Cordoba


Patricia Nieto Rojas
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
National University of Distance Education (UNED)


Daniel Perez del Prado

Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
University Carlos III of Madrid

Ivan Rodriguez Cardo

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Oviedo University

Maria Monserrate Rodriguez Egio
Contracted Professor Doctor
University of Murcia


Sarai Rodríguez González 

Full Professor 
University of Valencia

Guillermo E. Rodriguez Pastor

Full Professor 
University of Valencia

Eduardo Rojo Torrecilla
Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Autonomous University of Barcelona


Alvaro San Martin

Doctor of Law and Labor Partner Casadeley


Lavinia Serrani

Coordinating Editor ADAPT International (Italy)

Francesca Sperotti

investigatedra ADAPT (Italy)


Francisco Trujillo Pons

Assistant Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
J University
increase I

Tatsiana Ushakova

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Alcalá de Henares

Alicia Villalba Sanchez

PUniversity Hired Professor

of Santiago de Compostela

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Social Law and Business Magazine


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