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editorial board



Íñigo Sagardoy de Simón
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security 
from the Francisco de Vitoria University

President of Sagardoy Abogados (Madrid–Spain) 



Martin Godino Reyes

PhD in Law
Managing Partner of Sagardoy Abogados



Valentin Bote Álvarez–Carrasco
Director of the Research Service of Randstad Research


Eva Maria Blazquez Agudo

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security 
University Carlos III of Madrid


Jaime Cabeza Pereiro
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
University of Vigo


Teresa Cervera Soto
Director of Human Resources at Ballesol

(Santalucia Group)

Manuel Correa Carrasco
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security
University Carlos III of Madrid


Maria del Rosario Cristóbal Roncero

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security 
Complutense University of Madrid


Roman Gil Albuquerque

PhD in Law. Partner of Sagardoy Abogados

Maria Jesus Herrera Duque

Doctor of Law. Partner of Sagardoy Abogados

Jose Fernando Lousada Arochena
Magistrate of the Social Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia

Ana Matorras Díaz-Caneja
Ordinary Teacher 
Comillas Pontifical University


Maria Luisa Molero Marañon
Professor of Labor and Social Security Law
King Juan Carlos University


Olimpia Molina Hermosilla

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
Jaen University


Leonor Victoria Pablos Fernandez
Director of Human Resources, Ferrovial


Miguel Recio Gayo
Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law
CEU San Pablo University


Ricardo Pedro Ron Cans

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of A Coruña

Carmen Saez Lara

Professor of Labor and Social Security Law
University of Cordoba


Carmen Sanchez Trigueros

Professor of Labor and Social Security Law
University of Murcia


Daniel Toscani Gimenez

Professor of Labor Law

and Social Security
University of Valencia

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Social Law and Business Magazine


© RUNIC, 2020

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